Submissions open: August 15, 2015
Submissions close: September 15, 2015

As the Political Psychology Conference is interdisciplinary in nature, we especially encourage multi-disciplinary symposium submissions.

Symposium submissions must include 4 talks each (or 3 talks plus a discussant). Each symposium will be 80 minutes long, so each talk should be 15 minutes long (allowing 5 minutes for discussion and transition between talks).

Submissions should include the following information: Symposium title, name and affiliation of the symposium chair(s), a symposium abstract (max. 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words), and symposium keywords, as well as details of all 4 talks (i.e., names and affiliations of all authors, titles, and individual abstracts of 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words each).

No title or abstract is needed for the discussant’s presentation; merely list “Discussant” in the title field. The symposium chair should submit all 4 talks on behalf of the individual contributors, who therefore need not submit abstracts themselves. The symposium chairs are responsible for forwarding all relevant correspondence (such as acceptance confirmation) to the individual authors.

To submit a symposium proposal, click here

Individual papers, if accepted, individual papers will be grouped into thematically oriented symposia by the Program Committee. Each session will be 80 minutes long, so each talk should be 15 minutes long (allowing 5 minutes for discussion and transition between talks).

Submissions should include the following information: Name and affiliation of the presenter and his or her co-author(s), talk title, abstract (max. 1500 characters, which is approximately 250 words), and keywords.

To submit an individual talk, click here

FYI: Please, register first via EasyChair for a symposium or individual talk submission.